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Local History
1855 Abbas Gregorius and Native of Haussa Original Antique Hand Coloured Engraving - Human Races - Anthropology - Ethnography - Korea
1855 Kamtschadale Original Antique Hand Coloured Engraving - Human Races - Anthropology - Ethnography - Kamchadal - Kamchatka - Russia
1855 A Malik of the Sheggia Arabs Original Antique Hand Coloured Engraving - Human Races - Anthropology - Ethnography
1855 A Native of Mandara and a Native of Borneo Original Antique Hand Coloured Engraving - Human Races - Anthropology - Ethnography
1855 A Man of the Tuda Race Original Antique Hand Coloured Engraving - Human Races - Anthropology - Ethnography
1855 Koorai - A Fishermans Family Original Antique Hand Coloured Engraving - Human Races - Anthropology - Ethnography - Korea
1855 Ram Ruttun - A Brahman Original Antique Hand Coloured Engraving - Human Races - Anthropology - Ethnography - India
1855 Skull Cranium Comparison - Esquimaux and skull found in Ancient Tomb near Niagara Original Antique Engraving - Anthropology
1855 Native of the Papua Islands Original Antique Hand Coloured Engraving - Human Races - Anthropology - Ethnography
1855 A Woman of the Tuda Race Original Antique Hand Coloured Engraving - Human Races - Anthropology - Ethnography
1855 An Abyssinian, Native of Shoa and Native of Adowa in Tigre Original Antique Hand Coloured Engraving - Human Races - Anthropology
1852 Original Antique Human Races Engraving - Anthropology - Mankind - Ethnology
1852 Original Antique Human Races Engraving - Anthropology - Mankind - Ethnology
1844 The Hindoo Mother Original Antique Print - India - Mounted and Matted - Available Framed
1858 Original Antique Engraving - Animal of the Nautilus Pompilius - Palaeontology - Mounted and Matted - Available Framed - Fossil Geology
1858 Original Antique Engraving - Nautilus Hexagonus, Ammonites Excavatus, Catena, Varicosus - Geology - Fossil - Palaeontology
1904 Asian Races Original Antique Print - Human Races - Anthropology - Chinese Singalese, Ostiak, Kalmuk, Toda - Victorian Wall Decor
1870 Japanese People and Culture Original Antique Print - Japan - Mikado - Ethnography - Anthropology - Available Framed
1858 Pens of Recent Loligo, Inkk Bag of Sepia Officianalis and Fossil Pens from Lias Original Antique Engraving - Fossil - Palaeontology
1870 Northeast Asian Tribes, Art and Culture Original Antique Print - Ethnography - Anthropology - Siberia - Tungusic - Available Framed
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